“the workshop was an extraordinary experience! The energy, the creativity, and the generosity were overwhelming.”

“Your brilliant creativity brought delight to so many thousands of parade viewers. We are humbled and thrilled to participate in the execution of your ideas!!”

"Life changing. Extraordinary. Amazing. Thrilling. This was the feedback from my students. They had such a great time” (Shelly Wyant, The New School)


These are a few comments from the thousands of people who have taken part in PAW activities, whether participating in a community meeting, building visual elements in free workshops, or performing. While much of our funding comes directly from project sponsors, PAW remains a year-round organization, always seeking new avenues for community-based, human powered performance. Your donations help us devote time to research and develop new opportunities, while helping us get the word out about current projects. They help maintain our workshop, archive our works, and cover institutional costs. And they insure that staff artists and technicians are well supported, respected, and insured.

We thank all of you who have helped make these events fiscally sustainable. Whether or not you have before, please consider contributing to PAW today. We welcome your support at any level.

Processional Arts Workshop, Inc. is a registered non-profit organization under section 501(c)(3). Donations are tax deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Click on the Donate Button below to access our secure Paypal server.

Or mail your contribution to:

Processional Arts Workshop, Inc.
90 La Bergerie Lane
Red Hook, NY 12571

PAW is grateful for generous support from the following individuals and organizations:




Thendara Foundation



Winty and Tracie Aldrich
Rachel Alemany
Ines Alvarez
Amy Arrendell
Christina Azahar
Marghee Barrows
Tiffany Jill Basa
Fred Baumgartner
Brigitte Bentele
Elena S. Billing
Jenn Bleyer
Leslie Boden
Cory and Pauline Boyce
Cory Boyce
Belinda Breeze
Jill Bressler
Jane Brien
Meg Brown Payson
Renee Burgevin
Barbara Busackino
Jessica Cassity
Trudi Cohen & John Bell
Arno Cornillon
Marie Costello
Kate Cox
Jillian Craig Craig
Julia Crowley
Isabella Cunningham
Karen Davis
Paula Desio
Christina DiMarco
Kaitlin Doherty
Roger Downs
Joanna Dupee
Lisa Durfee
Joanne Engle
Michael Fasman
Ann Feldman
Susan Foman
Jonathan Forte
Lois Fricke
Triona Fritsch
Mary Gazzola
Matthew Gelfer
Martha Glaze Zook
Sam Grab
Grace Gunning
Elizabeth Haas
Michel Haggerty
Laurel Halter
Fairouz Hasselmark
Kim Herzog
Heather Houston
Samantha Hunt
David and Jennie Jadow
Oumelghait Jamai
Ursula Jenny

Silvie Jensen
China Jorrin
Lisa Kane and Dennis Jung
Richard Kahn
Jason Kahn
Evan Kahn
Lisa Kane
Elizabeth Kearns
Janelle Kelly
Lori Klamner-Wood
Peter Klein and Stephanie Savell
Chad Kleitsch
Laura Lee Kline
Galina Kurlat Photography
Allelu Kurten
Polly Law
Andrea Lomanto
Sondra Loring
Brian Luna Lucero
Lindsey Lusher
Laurie Lynch
Marnie MacGregor
Winifred Marion
Monique Martin
Robert Davis McCallum
Kate McCormick
Jane McCready
Michael McGuigan
Sarah Meredith
Rosalind Michahelles
Alice Michahelles
Alessandro Michahelles
Michele Michahelles
Laura Middleton
Iraban Mukherjee
Joe Murray and Irina Savinetskaya
Teddy Nagel
Susan Nagel
John Nathan
Wally Neilsen
Barbara Nesmith
Alan Neumann
Sarah Norwood
Jane O'Connor
Eileen O'Connor
Lila Pague
Toni Pentecouteau
Elaine Peterson
Amy Peterson
Daniel Petrucci and Hans Hoppenbrouwers
Cynthia Philip
Betsy Pionver Schiff
Ana Porzecanski
Roberta Puglisi
Jennifer Quintero
Sebastian Rand
Foster Reed

Laura Reneke
Danielle Riou
Victoria Rivera
Richard Rodriguez
Jame RommTracie Rozhon
Molly Salisbury
Diana Salsberg
Lisa Sanditz
Melissa Schulz
Kim Seeger
Catriona Shafer
Micah Sifry
Lake Simons
Mark Skelly
David J Smey
Maria Sonevytsky
Francie Soosman
Dick Strain
Tandem Otter
Talea Taylor
Mary Elizabeth Taylor
Martha Ross Tobias
Alison Tung
Basil Twist
Patricia Valdez
Surge Velez
Patrick Wadden and Marlena Morallo
Marla Walker
Judith R Walsh
Jen Wang
Georgiana Warner
Christopher Warner
Denis Whalen
Naima White
Elizabeth and Samuel White
Chaminda & Shiwanti Widyarathna
Hillary Younglove
Masha Zager
Vanessa Bertozzi
Patricia Brubaker
Elizabeth Bryant
Diana Carulli
Casey Currtti and Chris Silva
Peter Frank
Hudson Hat Co.
Hudson Home
Michael Kaye
Peter Klebnikov and Marjorie Folkman
Tom Krueger
Jake Kuhn
Melora Kuhn
Roberto Rossi & Caroline Crumpacker
Victoria Sacks
Hannelore Wegner Chambers
Finch Hudson
Carrie Haddad Gallery